AGM Meeting Minutes 2020

Minutes AGM Friday 7th September 2020 Held at E-Ko Tours, Picton


Before the meeting, Paul introduced the guest speaker Ian Shapcott from Te Atiawa




Paul Keating, Carolyn Edwards, Clare Pinder, Martin Pinder,  David Podmore, Val Podmore, Bill Foster, Bruce Banfield, Jim Healey, Peter Menzies, Peter Beech, Colin Aitchison, Stuart Eyes




Mike Rossen


Previous AGM Minutes:

Minutes were presented and read. Paul asked if they were all correct, Martin Pinder nominated, Peter Menzies seconded, all agreed.

Chairs Report:


Paul presented his Chairman’s report.


Treasures Report:


Clare Pinder presented her report. The closing balance is $2528.20.  Expenses were explained. Clare reminded members to pay their subs at tonight’s meeting.


Election of Officers:


Clare Pinder would like to step down as Treasurer but no one came forward.

Secretary: Val Podmore nominated Carolyn Edwards, Clare Pinder seconded, all agreed.

Treasurer: Paul Keating nominated Clare Pinder, Peter Beech seconded, all agreed.

Chairperson: Bill Foster nominated Paul Keating, Val Podmore seconded, all agreed.

Patron: Val Podmore nominated Pete Beech, Bill Foster seconded, all agreed.

Vice-Chair: Carolyn Edwards nominated Bill Foster, Martin Pinder seconded, all agreed (Bill would like to step down due to health reasons)..

General Business:


Discussion around extra funding fir court cases.

Discussion around Russian ship due in February.


Close of meeting:


21.10 Paul Keating Closed the meeting.